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Wellness Tips: 5 Pillars to Take Care of Your Mental Health

So that everyday worries no longer weigh on your mind or to get back on the path to general well-being, here are some good practices to adopt on a daily basis!

Mental health is a huge topic! If we talk about it so much, especially right now, it's because these two little words can also have a huge impact on our daily lives. All the more reason to pamper it! Here are 5 levers for top mental health.

What are the basics of well-being? The magic formula to promote and improve it, quite simply?

A bit like the secret to happiness, there is no universal formula to access this feeling of fullness that we seek so much. Be careful, if there is no universal formula, that does not mean that you will never be able to access it! What we mean by that is that everyone aspires to different things in life and therefore, to feel good in their sneakers (or in their flip-flops, as you prefer), it is up to each person to find their own path to well-being . To each their own path, to each their own path, in short (you're welcome).

However, there are still basic recommendations to feel good in your body and in your head . It does not guarantee absolute happiness, but it contributes to general well-being. Come on, we will list them for you in the rest of this article, but first, a little point on mental health and sport (you know us, we couldn't avoid the subject)!

Sport, the main ally of mental health?

What is mental health?

Like the rest of your body, your mind can also take a beating and suffer. A tough day at work can be the equivalent of a cold for your  mental health , while a particularly demanding job can quickly feel like a broken leg. And as with physical injuries, the damage caused to your mental health must be taken care of before it becomes complicated.

Talking to your loved ones about your discomfort, going to see a psychologist or psychiatrist , enjoying activities that make you feel good ... These are all ways to reconnect with your needs to take care of your mental health in the event of difficulties in this area. Everyone has their own way of dealing with it!

The effects of sport on mental health

At the depths of my depression, I had a few violent urges towards people who told me " go get some fresh air, it'll do you good ", as if the scent of spring would suddenly sweep away the dark thoughts that were eating away at my thoughts. But here's the thing, I have to admit that I managed to get my head above (muddy) water the day I decided to start exercising again. Please note that I'm talking about physical activity here and not sport per se. Because, yes, if sport has positive effects on  mental health  (I'm not the one saying this, but many studies on the subject), there's no point in throwing yourself headlong into it when you're depressed. Take it easy , give yourself time to get back into the shallow end before taking your best dive into the deep end.

The risk? Not being able to achieve your goals. But with fragile  mental health , that's not ideal, let's say. And without even talking about depression , in the event of a slump, a romantic disappointment or even after a simple day of losing , who wants to feel the frustration of a sporting failure? Not many. So, to put all the chances on your side in your journey towards a healthy and active lifestyle, here are some tips for including sport in your daily life, slowly but surely!

Does doing sport necessarily use up energy?

Not necessarily, no! Sport can naturally fit into your schedule, without encroaching on your personal life. Whether you do it at noon during your lunch break, even if it means eating your lunch at 2 p.m., or you opt for cycling to work , there are a thousand and one ways to make sport a daily partner. What's more, these two options already save you from gyms that are packed to the rafters from 6 p.m. onwards.

Looking for other ideas? We have plenty, which is great!

I don't like sports, is that serious?

So, "serious", no. On the other hand, not practicing any physical activity at all on a daily basis is not really recommended. Overall, a sedentary lifestyle does not have very good effects on our body. It needs to move regularly to stay healthy. The WHO recommends " that adults practice at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week (or the equivalent duration of sustained-intensity activity) and that children and adolescents practice an average of 60 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per day ".

To make your sporting journey a lasting adventure, we can only advise you to try several sports in order to choose the one that will give you the most pleasure. Logical: by loving your sporting activity, you ensure that it becomes an essential habit in your daily life, and a real source of physical and mental well-being. Well, that doesn't prevent bad days and rest assured: all athletes have them!

5 good habits to adopt to take care of your mental health every day

Practice regular physical activity

As we told you above, sport is a real pillar in terms of  mental health . Already, because it promotes the production of endorphins , the "happiness hormones", and also because it allows our brain to change its ideas, to escape from daily worries. What's more, sport also allows us to reconnect with others , and you will see that this is also an essential point in everyone's well-being.

Promote quality sleep every day

Easy to say? That's good, we have plenty of advice to help you finally fall into the arms of Morpheus! Quality sleep means a more regulated cortisol level, and therefore reduced stress, among other things.

Choose a balanced diet without frustration

Between professional life, personal obligations and all kinds of projects, it can sometimes be difficult to put your fridge and plate in order. However, food plays an important role in our mental balance.

By providing all the essential nutrients to our body, we ensure that it functions properly, and that's already one less worry to manage on a daily basis.

To make your life easier, we have compiled our best advice on the subject.

Have a social life to disconnect from the worries of everyday life

Whether you regularly run in your neighborhood or opt for a team sport, physical and/or sporting activity will inevitably bring you into contact with people. Better yet, once you get the hang of it, you'll want to take your loved ones with you on this crazy adventure! And social ties mean preserved  mental health mental health. By being well surrounded, you benefit from a nice safety net in case of a hard time. Indeed, even before speaking to a health professional, discussing your problems with your loved ones can be an excellent lever towards well-being.

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