What could be nicer than spending the day at the lake in summer and ending the evening on the terrace? If it weren't for those annoying pests: repel mosquitoes! Read here how you can easily keep the insects away from you.
You can defend yourself against annoying mosquitoes easily and cheaply. Simply build your own mosquito trap - almost everyone has the necessary parts at home.
Build your own repel mosquitoes trap from a bottle, cane sugar, yeast and water
Everyone has the ingredients for a mosquito trap at home. All you need is a PET bottle, a small bowl of brown cane sugar, a teaspoon of yeast and lukewarm water. We show you how to use this to make an effective trap in the video above.
This helps against mosquitoes in the house
Insert fan
Install mosquito nets
Place houseplants
Fragrance lamps or candles
Shower in the evening
Using essential oils
Wear long, light clothing
Why do mosquitoes actually bite?
Repel Mosquitoes bite to feed on blood, which they need for the development of their eggs. Only female mosquitoes bite, as they need the proteins and iron from the blood to lay their eggs.
The males, on the other hand, feed exclusively on nectar and other plant fluids. When a female mosquito bites, she injects saliva into the skin that contains blood-thinning substances and enzymes to prevent blood clotting and facilitate blood flow.
This saliva causes the typical skin irritation and itching that we associate with mosquito bites. In this way, Repel Mosquitoes secure a food source for their offspring and at the same time contribute to the reproduction and spread of the species, even if this is met with little enthusiasm by us humans.